Voter FAQ

Some answers to frequently asked questions around voting on category budget weightings

1. Does this vote determine the challenges available for the next funding round?

  • No - This vote only determines the total budget weighting of the funding categories and then also the weighting for each of the 7 categories so that we can determine a final category budget amount to use for each of the proposals.

2. Why is the minimum total budget option 60% for all of the categories?

  • Funding categories have been created to help solves issues surrounding the current challenge setting process. Please read each of the analysis sections and benefits to understand the issues of specific challenge settings and then the benefits of broader categorisation. There are 7 categories to split the total budget allocated between. Using a lower total allocation percentage would not be effective at showcasing the benefits against more specific categorisation. The community also still determines the outcome at the voting stage - the categories still require the community to vote them in.

3. Is there any reason not to use funding categories for 100% of the funding categorisation?

  • The categories have been designed to be inclusive of all forms of ideas and innovation and simplify the governance and stakeholder efforts required to manage the Catalyst process. The risk of using categories for 100% is low as 1. the large list of proposal types have been included in the briefs showing that these categories should not stifle innovation and 2. funding categories or any categorisation is not permanent and is flexible to change each funding round. The community should decide what budget weighting percentage all the funding categories should use of the fund 9 round so that the categorisation is a democratic process. After the budget weighting vote the community also still has to vote them in if they want to use this categorisation.

4. Why is there a minimum of 4% given to each category?

  • The analysis and categorisation has been done to try and split the different proposal types between a broad set of categories. If there was no minimum for those categories it would mean the chance of having zero funding for a large group of proposal types. To protect against this a minimum percentage has been applied as a safe guard to prevent stifling innovation and ideas. In the future these percentages should become a parameter that is updated by a community vote when and if needed - likely not requiring changes every funding round.

5. Do all ideas, innovations and proposal types fit into these categories?

  • Yes (but not guaranteed at this stage) - We believe the funding categories fit in every form of idea and innovation that people could submit. The categories have been shared with the community for feedback on finding proposals that wouldn't fit in. If you do find anything that you believe is not well covered please contact us and we will amend the category briefs to ensure it is clear where it should be included. In the future after an iteration or two we can be more confident that we've articulated where each type of any proposal would be placed in the categories.

6. Are these categories going to be included in future funding rounds?

  • Yes - From the benefits shown across the analysis it is clear that funding categories are a promising and simpler solution to funding categorisation for Catalyst. Funding categories will be suggested in the upcoming funding rounds. The actual categories names and briefs could be updated between funding rounds.

Last updated