Funding Categorisation Analysis V1.0
Work from Sep 2022 to Oct 2022
Last updated
Work from Sep 2022 to Oct 2022
Last updated
The following is the work completed to get the funding categorisation analysis to a version 1.0. This work will be continued in the future after working on other more important areas in the short term.
Funding categories focus area grouping refinements - Improvements can be made on how clear it is where specific proposals should be placed into . This refinement is important to reduce any remaining ambiguity of where to submit certain proposals into the funding categories.
Sources - GitHub commit 1 & GitHub commit 2 or for viewing final result see Funding Categories
Combining or separating contributor and idea categorisations - Analysis looking at whether proposal or contributor proposal types should be in separate or combined categorisations.
Contributor model refinement - Further improvements to the can be made in better defining the goals of the contributor model in general and for Catalyst and Cardano ecosystems and the differences between idea and contributor based funding approaches.
Contributor risks and mitigation - Analysis to outline some of the concerns and risks of using a contributor based funding model and how those risks can be mitigated.
Source: Concerns, Risks & Mitigation
Introductory explainers for analysis - Add some explanations about what contributors, the contributor funding model funding categorisation are about in the analysis documents
Contributor product development environment - Add analysis highlighting how suggestions such as Catalyst and Cardano contributors create a more effective product development environment to get work completed in the ecosystem.
Improve proposal guide and example contributor proposals - Improve the proposal guide and improve example contributor proposals to better reflect what a completed proposal should look like.
Improve analysis around addressing concerns and add analysis about handling challenging funding situations - Improving the existing analysis on different concerns that need to be addressed relevant to funding categorisation and also adding some analysis going over potential solution options for handling challenging funding situations.
Source: Approaches for directing funding (updated), Addressing concerns & challenging funding situations (updated existing content), Not Enough Proposals Submitted, Low Quality Proposals, High Quality Proposals Cannot Be Submitted, Excessive Funding Requests
Brief review of funding categorisation content in IOHK treasury paper - IOHK has a paper called “A Treasury System for Cryptocurrencies: Enabling better collaborative intelligence” that mentions categorisations however not in much depth. A brief review can be added to outline what was mentioned in this paper, what similarities the paper has with the suggested funding categories and any improvements that could be made.
Fund 9 data funding categorisation update - Based on the fund 9 results the historical data in the can be updated to reflect the most recent data.
Scaling funding categories - Add analysis outlining how funding categories can be better scaled in the future with automation of budget weighting and a reduction in the number of categories if the voting infrastructure can support a higher complexity and keep the experience easy to voters.
Source: Scaling Funding Categories
Alternative idea funding categorisations - Suggestions towards different categorisations that could be effective in the future such as reducing and combining some of the funding categories which have been suggested.
Incentives & game theory for open source development - Add analysis outlining the impact that the suggested categories can have on incentivising open source development. The guidelines for the categories have an impact on what incentive are produced by the categories depending on the budget weighting that gets set for each category.
Catalyst community priority and proposal supply dynamics - Analysis can be made on the community priority and proposal supply dynamics that exist in Catalyst that change each funding round. Priorities comes from what the community wants to see proposals for such as from setting goals and objectives, supply comes from the proposals that are submitted to cater for that demand or that tries to create its own demand.
Improve categorisation analysis structure - Refactored the documentation to add clarity and separation between general funding categorisation analysis and idea or contributor based categorisation analysis.
Comparing categorisation types - Comparing the differences and use cases between idea, contributor, task and community based funding categorisations.
Source: Importance Of Standards
The importance of standards - Analysis covering why standards are important for project catalyst and how they can lead to interoperable systems with a wider number of different applications as the ecosystem grows.