Fund 10

Fund 10 funding access for different focus areas

Changes for fund 10

For fund 10 we have updated the funding categories guidelines and precision on the focus areas to include in each category. This led to minor changes in the methodology used in the history of funding access spreadsheet. You can see these minor differences in focus areas used for each category in fund 10 compared to fund 9 and before in the spreadsheet.

Funding access for different focus areas

Funding categories equivalent

After reviewing the data covered in the methodology for fund 10 a similar funding categorisation outcome could have been achieved with funding categories as an alternative categorisation approach by applying the following budget weightings:

  • Community & Outreach - 1%

  • Products & Integrations - 28%

  • Governance & Identity - 18%

  • Development & Infrastructure - 53%


Overlapping and similar categorisations

Fund 10 has seen a number of very similar categorisations be funded including Development & Infrastructure, Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution and OSDE: Open Source Dev Ecosystem. The issue with these overlapping categorisations is they will make it more confusing for proposers and voters to compare similar proposals and also lead to game theory for proposers in trying to put their proposal in the category with the least competition.

Lack of funding for community & outreach areas

There is a severe lack of funding for community & outreach focus areas to the point it is nearly fully excluded from the funding round. The issues with this approach is that the best ideas and proposals from these areas will not be able to be submitted. Excluding whole areas means that the worst proposals that are funded from the areas that are included need to be better than the absolute best proposals from the excluded focus areas for this approach to yield a better outcome.

Last updated