Budget Distribution

A rough breakdown of how the proposal budget could be distributed

Overall budget

Hourly rate - Set for $40 for the proposal.

Planned budget for each areas

  • Requirements - 200 hours = $8,000

  • Research - 180 hours = $7,200

  • Initial solution suggestions - 120 hours = $4,800

  • Community feedback / engagement - 220 hours = $8,800

  • Future considerations - 100 hours = $4,000

  • Initial system setup - 160 hours = $6,400

Total hours = 980 hours = $39,200

We can expect some of these areas to naturally take more or less time than expected on occasions and in such event the budgets can be re-allocated to the more demanding area of the work.

Distribution between core focus areas

The following is just rough guidelines and thoughts towards the fact that different focus areas in this research and analysis will be more effort and time consuming than others.

The percentages detailed below are just guideline thoughts and don't reflect any strict distribution approach - just an indication that there would be differences.

Rough effort distribution based on complexity

  • Product development flow - 40%

    • Impacts all other areas in someway

    • Both contributors and community interact with this

  • Governance - 24%

    • Requires accountability

    • Requires acceptable identification and verification

  • Treasury management - 16%

    • Cardano is early in development for this area, solutions from other chains may be needed depending on requirements and complexity required

  • Long form content - 12%

    • There are a number of well used existing tools that should speed up the research and selection.

    • Thoughts are needed on integration into product development workflow

  • Communication - 8%

    • There are a number of well used existing tools that should speed up the research and selection

    • Thoughts are needed on integration into product development workflow

For most of the requirement steps of the proposal we could expect the focus areas to take a similar percentage of effort throughout. For instance if those involved in the work spent 40% of their total effort on product development workflow requirements it may also be likely we see that 40% effort repeated for research, discussion, initial solution votes and future considerations due to the importance of that area over other areas.

Last updated