Focus areas
Examples of different focus areas where a Cardano contributor may decide to spend their time
Cardano contributors do not have a responsibility to work in any specific area of the ecosystem. They are free to decide how they will provide impact to the ecosystem.
The following ideas on potential focus areas is non exhaustive. Contributors are free to think of and share their own ideas for how they can focus their efforts and provide impact when being a Cardano contributor in their proposal.
Education resources - Create, aggregate or promote education resources that help make it easier for the community to participate in any area of the ecosystem.
Analyse ecosystem projects & initiatives - Analyse and report on areas of interest within the ecosystem to inform the wider community.
Organise events and meet ups - Help to organise and coordinate meet ups and events that bring the ecosystem together.
Create content about the ecosystem - Create interview, podcast, news or other media content for the community.
Community projects
Support existing projects - Contribute towards existing community projects in any area of the ecosystem (DeFi, NFTs, metaverse, etc. - wherever you're useful!). Contributors could decide to just help with one project or across multiple.
Support new initiatives - Support new initiatives with your skill set to help initial execution of the idea
Ecosystem experiments - Create or participate in experiments within the ecosystem that help to try out new approaches. These could be experiments in applications, governance, identity, reputation etc.
Attend existing events - Attend existing events to promote or collaborate about anything in the Cardano ecosystem.
Outreach - Reach out to people, organisations and government officials to collaborate and engage anyone outside the community about things happening in the ecosystem.
Recruit & onboard - Help with finding new community members willing to apply and join as full time contributors in the ecosystem or finding those who can submit proposals into the funding process to be considered by the community.
Cardano developer ecosystem and infrastructure
Help with any of the focus areas for Infrastructure contributors
Catalyst ecosystem
Help with any of the focus areas for Catalyst contributors
Last updated